
  • To Be
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  • Latihan Soal
  • 2/19/2014

    Present Future Perfect Tense : Bagaimana Rumus dan Contoh Kalimatnya?

    Present Future Perfect Tense : Bagaimana Rumus dan Contoh Kalimatnya?

    Melanjutkan pembahasan kita mengenai Rumus 16 Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris, maka pada pelajaran kursus Bahasa Inggris online kali ini, kita akan membahas mengenai Present Future Perfect Tense : Bagaimana Rumus dan Contoh Kalimatnya.

    Present Future Perfect Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan yang akan telah selesai dikerjakan pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.

    Struktur kalimat atau Rumus Grammar Bahasa Inggris yang dapat kita gunakan dalam pembentukan sebuah kalimat Present Future Perfect Tense dapat kita lihat melalui gambar di bawah ini :

    Penerapan rumus dalam kalimat positif.
    1. I will have completed all my work by 4 o'clock this afternoon. (Saya akan telah menyelesaikan semua pekerjaan saya jam 4 sore ini)
    2. She will have slept soundly if you phone her at 11 o'clock tonight. (Dia (P) akan telah tidur pulas jika kamu menelponnya jam 11 malam ini).
    3. They will have studied english when you visit them at 9 o'clock next Monday. (Mereka akan telah belajar bahasa Inggris ketika kamu mengunjungi mereka pada jam 9 senin depan).
    4. We will have arrived in the airport at 10 o'clock tomorrow. (Kami akan telah tiba di bandara jam 10 besok).
    5. He will have bought this car next month. (Dia (L) akan telah membeli mobil ini bulan depan).
    Penerapan rumus dalam kalimat negatif.
    1. I will not have completed all my work by 4 o'clock this afternoon.
    2. She will not have slept soundly if you phone her at 11 o'clock tonight.
    3. They will not have studied english when you visit them at 9 o'clock next Monday.
    4. We will not have arrived in the airport at 10 o'clock tomorrow.
    5. He will not have bought this car next month.
    Penerapan rumus dalam kalimat pertanyaan.
    1. Will you have completed all my work by 4 o'clock this afternoon.
    2. Will she have slept soundly if you phone her at 11 o'clock tonight.
    3. Will they have studied english when you visit them at 9 o'clock next Monday.
    4. Will we have arrived in the airport at 10 o'clock tomorrow.
    5. Will he have bought this car next month.
    Catatan : Bila setelah Have tidak terdapat Kata Kerja ke 3 (V3) maka kita harus menambahkan kata "Been" sebagai tanda Kalimat Nominal. Contoh : I will have been here by the time you come

    Untuk menguji pemahaman anda mengenai Present Future Perfect Tense, Jawablah latihan soal melalui tautan berikut : Latihan Soal untuk Present Future Perfect Tense.

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